Level Runner-up (2021)

Lego (In The Home)

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I love Lego. You can do lots of maths homework with Lego. I used them a lot in homeschool. You can learn 2D and 3D shapes, do sums or fractions and practice hundreds, tens and units. You can think about angles and areas. I made some scales from a coat hanger and cups and used Lego as weights. When you are looking for special bricks to finish your model you need to be able to describe the size and shape and colour of the brick. Lego are a bit like numicon but more fun because after you are finished homework with Lego you can build lots of other cool stuff like a crocodile riding a fire engine or a trike with wings. Numicons hurt less when you stand on them though.

— Nihal Jhund (P5)