GeomeTREE (in the wild)
There are lots of different ways to apply maths with trees.
How tall is the tree? How can we measure it? How many years has it stood there? How many people have passed the tree in it’s lifetime? How would we calculate this? Could we record how many people pass it in one day, or a week or a month or over a whole year?
What time of year is it? The tree can help us figure this out by using the position and colour of the leaves. We can count the rings on the inside of the trunk to find it’s age. We can use the leaves to discover symmetry and learn about patterns and shape. The length and position of the branches can help us find out more information on the tree and it’s history. But it doesn’t just stop there, the tree can be an important point to help us navigate when using a map. Though even without a map or compass it will be able to help us identify what direction we are facing. Trees are super important in the world, they help with life. How many animals live in this tree? Or depend on it for life? How much oxygen does the tree produce each year?Trees are 1derful.
Trees are gr8
They really are treemendous
— Mikey Williams (P5)