Commended (2022)

Arches, Arches Everywhere (the why of shapes)

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Arches are everywhere — they are one of the strongest shapes. Most bridges are built with an arch as the pressure at the top is dispersed out equally on both sides to hold it up. The strength of an arch has been recognised for thousands of years and has been used in many civilisations to create buildings, transport, aqueduct. During the industrial revolution many railways were built across Scotland to transport goods and people. Most have been abandoned but the arches of the railway viaducts can be found all over the country because they are so strong. Humans didn’t invent the arch, it is found all throughout nature. A human foot has 3 arches which support the weight of our body and allow us to walk. Our backbone can also lock into an arch, preventing damage to our spinal column.

— Georgina Murray (S2)