Soaking Yellow (complete the pattern: red-blue-?)

I chose a soaked yellow picture to complete the pattern, because I felt that the pattern was meant to represent the three primary colours (red, blue and yellow) in contact with water. The picture was a close-up shot of a banana with water droplets on it.
The primary colours are best known as the building blocks to make every other colour out there. Colours are just like numbers. Upon combining colours, you would be presented with a new colour, which you could combine with another colour to create a completely different colour. This goes for numbers, too. If you, say, added one and two, you would be given three. You could then go on and add three to eight to get eleven, or twenty-one to get twenty-four, or any number(s) out there and you would still get a different number as your answer (apart from if you added zero!). It’s strange to think that even things like colours could be linked to math, but, after all, math is everywhere, and, if you dug deep enough, you would find math in ANYTHING.
— Almila Kaplangi (S1)