IMA Best Commentary (Level) (2022)

Round Bell and Many Tubes in Various Shapes (the why of shapes)

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When I was four years old — my favourite music instrument was a triangle. Although it could play only a single sound frequency when hit, it was just something magical about its sound and its shape. Two years ago I started paying cornet as it is capable of much more sounds and frequencies than a triangle. It has a round bell and many tubes in various shapes. I have learned that the pitch of the sound is determined by the wave length. And that directly relates to the length of the tubes through which air goes. To control the wave lengths I make tubes longer or shorter and I do that with the help of valves which are three on a cornet. After pressing a combination of them — I set a certain length of a tube and I make a particular pitched sound. In the future, I would like to try a much bigger instrument capable of lower sounds called euphonium with four valves.

— Gabriele Kurgonaite (P5)