Sgòthan a’ Sgeith — Flying clouds (in the wild)
Sgòthan a’ sgeith
Sgòthan slaodach, sgòthan luath
Neart na gaoithe a’ toirt buaidh.
Sgòthan dorcha, sgòthan glasa
Bheir iad uile diofar fras.
Sgòthan àrda, sgothan iosal
A’ bristeadh ann an diofar phìosan.
Sgòthan fad às, sgòthan faisg,
Boineagan uisge, dlùth air am paisg.
Sgòthan cruinne, sgòthan rèidh
Barrachd sgòthan na bh’ ann an-dè!
Sgòthan tana, sgòthan tiugh
Abair sgòthan a th’ againn an diugh!Flying Clouds
Slow clouds, fast clouds
Affected by the wind strength.
Dark clouds, grey clouds
They all bring different showers.
High clouds, low clouds
Breaking into different pieces.
Far away clouds, clouds nearby
Droplets of water, bunched together.
Curved clouds, flat clouds
There are more clouds than there were yesterday.
Thin clouds, thick clouds. Oh what clouds we have today!
— Sgoil Stafainn — GM 1–2 (P2)